Thursday, July 21, 2011

My top 10

I’m not funny or witty. This is indeed boring in comparison to some of my fellow’s top 10 lists. Just warning you….

10. According to, revision is the act of revising. J

9. Revision is not the devil that I once thought it was.

8. Revision is not merely fixing little things here and there. To me, revision is restructuring the piece.

7. Revision in my mind was the last and final step before completion. Ha. Boy was I wrong. Now I understand it is a continuous practice that happens throughout the entire writing process.

6. Revision is re-working and re-writing.

5. Revision is not as scary as I once thought.

4. Revision is what makes the writing process move from stage to stage.

3. “Revision is much more than an error hunt, and it makes for a much better conclusion then THE END”  -Barry Lane

2. Revision requires open, critical eyes.

1. Every writer needs his own tool box. Mine started out like a small child’s tackle box. I've outgrown that small box these last few weeks. J

1 comment:

  1. I don't find this dull at all - this is a great top ten list :-) I wish I would have thought to use quotes - brilliant
